IELTS Reading
Customised Reading course from Cambridge certified IELTS teachers which will train you effectively to achieve the highest band score in IELTS Listening. With 45 days of unlimited access to the Reading part and step-by-step guidance during the entire course period, you have the opportunity to prepare for Reading effectively.
Advantages of IELTS Reading Course
Great value for money
in comparison with books, where you can find only 4 practice tests without proper explanation
Effective strategies

of coping with all types of IELTS Reading tasks
Tips and hints

on how to avoid common mistakes in Reading
Video lessons

from Professional IELTS Experts
online lessons
strategies to cope
different types of tasks

practice tests
instant answers
IELTS Reading Course plan
You will have 11 lessons in the listening module
and will have 4 complete practice tests.

Topics covered in listening module:
  • How to skim read paragraphs
  • How to match headings with paragraphs
  • How to scan for specific information
  • How to answer True/False/Not given
  • How to answer multiple choice questions
  • How to complete tables and diagrams
  • How to complete a summary based on a passage
  • How to match information
  • How to answer yes not not given
Our students' results
Watch one of our video lessons on the platform on how to match headings.
Watch the video to know more about IELTS Reading.
Sign up for IELTS Reading Course

$ 15
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19, The Hawthorns Gretna, DG16 5QA, Scotland

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our story
  • In 2010 MasterIELTS was founded in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Due to our innovative method of teaching, hundreds of students successfully passed IELTS.
  • In 2011 MasterIELTS became the most popular and effective school for IELTS preparation and began to attract students from all over Russia
  • In 2015 our IETLS experts began to work on an online platform which would give the opportunity for effective IELTS preparation to everyone, at their own convenience no matter where and in what time zone they lived in.


In 2016 MasterIELTS online has become the most effective platform for IELTS preparation in the world. It is the only platform where students have professional feedback from IELTS experts around the world. We are proud to inform that more than 2000 students have passed IELTS successfully with MasterIELTS Online.