Find the answers to the most commonly asked questions about MasterIELTS Online
Is MasterIELTS online similar to Skype lessons?
No, MasterIELTS online is a more sophisticated IELTS preparation method where students will be preparing on the online platform with the help of Smart-Plan and will be participating in weekly webinars and Speaking workshops with IELTS Trainers.
What should be my English level to prepare for IELTS with MasterIELTSOnline?
In order to prepare effectively with MasterIELTS online, your current level should be between B1-B2, which is equivalent to Intermediate - Upper-intermediate.
Which online course will be suitable for me?
While choosing a course, it is necessary for you to take into consideration three factors: your current English level, the required score and time that you have for preparation. In case your English is not fluent enough, or you need an ambitious score (6.5 and higher), we recommend you to choose IELTS Expert or IELTS Expert Plus. In these courses, our professional IELTS Experts will help you improve your skills in all four sections and will support you consistently to help you progress.
How much time should I spend each day to prepare on the platform?
The unique feature about MasterIELTS online is the Smart-Plan which would guide how much time you should spend each day for your preparation. On average you must spend from 40 to 60 minutes each day and the Smart-Plan will show the days you can take a break. However, you can adjust the schedule according to your convenience. For instance, if you want to prepare once a week, then you should spend more time during the days you prepare.

How often will I have webinars during the course?
Each week there will be a webinar on listening and reading and one webinar on writing. You can also sign up for online speaking workshops, where you will practice speaking with an IELTS trainer based on speaking topics. In case you miss webinars, you can watch the recordings later.
How will I know the schedule of webinars and speaking workshops?
Every week you will receive an email with the schedule of the webinar. You just need to confirm your participation and join the webinar room at the assigned time.
  • Can I ask questions related to IELTS from the IELTS trainers?
You can always write to your IELTS trainer raising questions related to your preparation on the platform. You can do this on the platform on the chat section. Your teacher will respond to you within 24 hours.
  • What is the guarantee that I will achieve my desired score from the 1st attempt?
Unfortunately we cannot be responsible with how you prepare on the platform. However, with Master IELTS online, you will be guided to prepare effectively towards a very high band score. Results of our students prove the effectiveness of our courses.
  • Can I pay in parts for the course?
Unfortunately, a complete payment should be made before you have access to the course.
  • What payment methods can I use to pay for the course?
We use paypal which is the most safest payment system. You can also pay by credit/debit cards through the Paypal Gateway.
In case you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.
Write your question in the line provided.
Our consultant will get back to you very soon.
Our e-mail: admin@masterieltsonline.com

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our story
  • In 2010 MasterIELTS was founded in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Due to our innovative method of teaching, hundreds of students successfully passed IELTS.
  • In 2011 MasterIELTS became the most popular and effective school for IELTS preparation and began to attract students from all over Russia
  • In 2015 our IETLS experts began to work on an online platform which would give the opportunity for effective IELTS preparation to everyone, at their own convenience no matter where and in what time zone they lived in.


In 2016 MasterIELTS online has become the most effective platform for IELTS preparation in the world. It is the only platform where students have professional feedback from IELTS experts around the world. We are proud to inform that more than 2000 students have passed IELTS successfully with MasterIELTS Online.