IELTS Expert Plus
Prepare from the basics to achieve a band score 7.0 and higher.
An effective 6 month program which will allow you to study at any convenient place under the supervision of an experienced IELTS-trainer. The course is structured to guide you towards the highest score possible
How will the IELTS Expert course
help you to achieve a high band score?
necessary skills

During the course, you will acquire all the essential skills to answer all the different types of questions effectively. With 6 months access to the course, you can prepare efficiently at a gradual pace. Therefore, we assure that you will be thoroughly prepared to pass the exam with a very high band score effectively.
Expand your vocabulary on IELTS related topics
In order to pass the exam successfully, it is also necessary to have a good range of vocabulary. During the IELTS Expert Plus course, you will learn over 300 words on the most common IELTS topics. Our interactive tasks will help you to use them effectively in writing and speaking.
Boosting grammar skills
During the course, you will improve your grammar skills and become more flexible in using a variety of sentence structures in speaking and writing. The IELTS Expert plus course has 25% more interactive tasks on grammar than IELTS Expert course. This will help you to practice more with the new grammar skills you acquire.
Receive constant assessment from IELTS trainer
We are aware of the fact that IELTS writing and speaking requires constant assessment and guidance from professional experts. That is why during the course, our experts will correct 30 essays and will provide detailed feedback on 20 speaking recordings. Moreover, you will have 4 one on one speaking tests on Skype with a professional IELTS expert.
online lessons
essay corrections
detailed feedback

speaking assessments
detailed feedback
Speaking lessons with professional IELTS trainers.

IELTS Expert Plus Course Plan
Effective program which leads you towards the desired score
  • Listening Lesson plan
    You will have 10 lessons in the listening module
    and will have 5 complete practice tests.

    Topics covered in the listening module:

    • Understanding the context
    • How to avoid distractors
    • How to avoid spelling mistakes
    • How to predict the missing word
    • How understand paraphrasing
    • How to complete tables and diagrams
    • Learning how to complete flow charts
    • How to answer classification questions
    • Learning to understand attitudes and opinions
    • The effective approach to answer multiple choice questions
    • Learning to complete a summary based on lecture talk
  • Reading Lesson plan
    You will have 11 lessons in the reading module and will have 4 complete practice tests.

    Topics covered in the reading module:

    • How to skim read paragraphs
    • How to match headings with paragraphs
    • How to scan for specific information
    • How to answer True/False/Not given
    • How to answer multiple choice questions
    • How to complete tables and diagrams
    • How to complete a summary based on a passage
    • How to match information
    • How to answer yes not not give
Compared to IELTS Expert course, the IELTS Expert Plus has 25% more interactive tasks on writing and speaking.
  • Writing Lesson plan
    You will have 15 lessons and will have 30 essays corrected with detailed feedback

    Topics covered in the writing module:

    • How to use tenses effectively
    • Becoming familiar with different types of essays and their structure
    • Learning how to organise your ideas
    • How to use articles accurately
    • Becoming familiar with sentence structures
    • How to be accurate with punctuations
    • How to make our writing formal

    During the course you will master writing the following Task 2 and Task 1 Academic essays:

    • Reason/Problem solution essays
    • Opinion Essays
    • Discussions essays
    • Two question essays
    We have separate courses for academics and generals. Based on the module, they will learn the following:

    IELTS Academic

    • How to describe line graphs/Bar charts/Pie charts
    • How to describe maps and processes
    IELTS General
    • How to write formal letters
    • How to write semiformal letters
    • How to write informal letters
    You will learn over 200 formal words on the following essay topics:

    • Crime
    • Media
    • Technology
    • Environment
    • Education
    • Globalisation
    • Arts
    • Social issues
  • Speaking Lesson Plan
    You will have 15 lessons in the Speaking module and will have 20 speaking answers assessed by professional IELTS expert. Moreover, you will have 4 one on one Skype sessions with an IELTS trainer

    Topics covered in the speaking module:

    • 5 effective ways to answer part 1 questions
    • The strategy to answer part 2 questions
    • How to paraphrase while speaking
    • How to use modal verbs while speaking
    • How to use cleft sentences
    • How to use conditionals

    You will learn useful expressions, idioms and specific words related to the topics below:

    • Occupation
    • Studies
    • Places & Hometown
    • Leisure time
    • Films/Music and Books
    • People
    • Technology
    • Sports
    • Food & Restaurants
    • Travelling
    • Fashion
    • Family

Sign up for IELTS Expert Plus Course
Special offer until the 31st of December
Feel free to contact us anytime
Write your question in the line provided.
Our consultant will get back to you very soon.
Our e-mail:

19, The Hawthorns Gretna, DG16 5QA, Scotland

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our story
  • In 2010 MasterIELTS was founded in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Due to our innovative method of teaching, hundreds of students successfully passed IELTS.
  • In 2011 MasterIELTS became the most popular and effective school for IELTS preparation and began to attract students from all over Russia
  • In 2015 our IETLS experts began to work on an online platform which would give the opportunity for effective IELTS preparation to everyone, at their own convenience no matter where and in what time zone they lived in.


In 2016 MasterIELTS online has become the most effective platform for IELTS preparation in the world. It is the only platform where students have professional feedback from IELTS experts around the world. We are proud to inform that more than 2000 students have passed IELTS successfully with MasterIELTS Online.