IELTS Pre-assessment Test
The test will help us understand your current level and the areas you need to focus on in order to achieve a high IELTS score.

The test consists of two parts: Grammar and Vocabulary. The test will take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

You will receive your test results with recommendations from our IELTS trainer within 24 hours.
IELTS Pre-assessment Test
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Grammar: Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct from the options below:
Grammar: Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct from the options below:
Grammar: Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct from the options below:
Grammar: Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct from the options below:
Grammar: Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct from the options below:
Grammar: Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct from the options below:
Grammar: Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct from the options below:
Grammar: Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct from the options below:
Grammar: Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct from the options below:
Grammar: Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct from the options below:
Vocabulary: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase from the options to replace the bracketed words and phrases in the sentence.
I (respect) my father a lot.
Vocabulary: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase from the options to replace the bracketed words and phrases in the sentence.
They want to find ways to (solve the problem).
Vocabulary: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase from the options to replace the bracketed words and phrases in the sentence.
It is (important) to follow a (healthy) diet
Vocabulary: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase from the options to replace the bracketed words and phrases in the sentence.
We must (save) the environment
Vocabulary: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase from the options to replace the bracketed words and phrases in the sentence.
John is (well known) for his contribution towards school education.
Choose the correct definition from the options for the bracketed word or phrases in the sentence.
When my son was born, I became the sole (breadwinner) of the family.
Choose the correct definition from the options for the bracketed word or phrases in the sentence.
The building looks a bit (run-down), although it was built two year ago
Choose the correct definition from the options for the bracketed word or phrases in the sentence.
Since I’m the head of the department, I need to (pick up the pieces) when things don’t go according to the plan.
Choose the correct definition from the options for the bracketed word or phrases in the sentence.
Sarah is like a great (shoulder to cry on) because whenever Im down she is always there to listen to me.
Choose the correct definition from the options for the bracketed word or phrases in the sentence.
My phone is still (in mint condition), although I have used it for five years.
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